Sunday, January 8, 2012

Luke 2 "In the City of David a Savior"

S = Luke 2:11-12 “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger.”

O = The promise of a Messiah had come! It was no longer a promise for the future, but a present reality. Luke makes it clear that Jesus is Savior and Christ, born in the city of David—Bethlehem. I wonder what this meant to the shepherds…if their mind traveled all the way back to Boaz playing the go-el (Kinsman Redeemer) to Ruth and Naomi in that very village. Or to David the great shepherd king back in the day; or only that the Messiah had come to them, unclean shepherds (in the eyes of the priests…an ironically Egyptian sentiment!). Lying in a manger—the bread of heaven—even in birth not demanding a place of honor, but taking the low seat at the “table”.

A = Let us join the angelic fulfillment of Psalm 148:1 and praise the Lord! I choose to come and see, to go and tell!

P = O Lord, you are awesome in all that you are and in how you have manifested your love in what you have done for us. We have been validated by your claim on our lives and commissioned as heralds. Hallelujah to the king born in a stable…who after the glory of heaven came down to us, wrapped in swaddling clothes.

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