Sunday, January 8, 2012

Luke 1 “But they had no child”

S = Luke 1:6-7 “And they were both righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord. But they had no child, because Elizabeth was barren, and both were advanced in years.”

O = Zechariah’s and Elizabeth’s lack of a child was not a result of personal sin or disobedience on their part. A lack of child would have been a great disgrace and burden in that time and culture. People would have looked at them and wondered what sin God was punishing them for. But the text says that they not only were declared righteous and blameless, but had been living that way for a long time (text says they were “advanced in years”) despite having no child. The text indicates that there was not a direct tie between their physical circumstances and some personal sin. This doesn’t mean they were perfect, but they were also not people who sinned willfully. It is to these that God’s angel brought a message of good news…at a time no longer hoped for. It was probably something for which they no longer prayed.

A = I need to remember that circumstances are not necessarily tied to personal sin, or to God’s rejection of me. His plan will be announced and unveiled at the time of His choosing…but will I believe it and act on it when it comes?

P = O Lord, let me walk in trust despite any apparent lack of answers or blessings. May I remember who I am in your grace! You have made me righteous and You will use me for your kingdom purposes…no matter what other people, or my own emotions, might say to the contrary! You take away my reproach! Lord I want to be expectantly available today.

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