Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Luke 2-C “Treasured Up”

S = Luke 2:19, 33, 51b “But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart…And his father and his mother marveled at what was said about him…And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart.”

O = Mary and Joseph marveled at what shepherds, prophets and prophetesses had said about their son Jesus. Mary wisely made sure to remember these fulfillments to prophesy, etc. She kept them in her heart as she would a treasure—and she made it a practice to think and meditate upon them.

A = I need to do a better job at remembering the times that God has touched my life in some supernatural way or speaks into my life in a profound way. I also need to really take time to think over what God is doing in, and through me. This is one reason why journaling is so important to me. It gives me an opportunity to write down what the Lord says to me in my devotional times and then I am able to go back and ponder the things I have treasured enough to write down.

P = Lord, remind me to store up and value your work in my life—it is a real treasure! May it lead me to trust you more completely and worship you more consistently! Amen.

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