S = Genesis 1:1 “In the
beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
v. 3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26 “And God said, ‘Let
there be…’ And it was so.”
v.31 “And
God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And there
was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.”
O = One of my
first observations is that there is a literary technique being used in chapters 1 & 2 (where it almost
appears that there are two creation stories) that needs explanation. I like to think of a computer directory tree
with the little file-folder icons. Gen 1:1 is the first level folder with the
over view of all of creation. You want more detail you click on the folder and
it lists the contents of that creation week. Day 1, Day 2, Day 3...etc. The
author then does the same thing at chapter 2:4. It is like clicking on the Day
6 folder for more information about how God made the garden and made man. Two
other observations, that jump out at me are: (1) What God says happens; (2) God
forms the water, land, sky, and space (Days 1-3) and then he fills them with
living creatures (Days 4-6) any other order of business would be neither loving
nor wise; (3) All God does is good, and when all the “goods” come to completion
it is “very good.”
A = I need to
remember that if God says something then he will bring it to completion. There
is no need for me to worry and doubt. His promises to me are powerful! I also
need to give God room to work in my life according to his wisdom and love.
First he forms and then he fills, I should practice patience this week knowing
that when I pray God is working in me and in others to prepare us for his final
P = O Lord, you
are an awesome God! When I consider the “who” of creation I am overwhelmed by
your power, wisdom, creativity, and loving care demonstrated in creation. I am
humbled to think that you did it all to prepare a land for your people to
dwell…and then in your abundant grace you chose me to be one of your people.
May I be filled with faith in your creative power this week! Open my eyes to
see your goodness reflected in what you have made.
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