O = The dividing wall of hostility has been destroyed, two have been made one, enemies have been reconciled—but only in one place (the cross), in one person (Jesus Christ) for one family (those who put their trust in him). These former enemies not family, are being
- gathered together as fellow citizens and members
of God’s household,
- built together on the cornerstone of Christ
that joins prophets and apostles into one structure,
- grown together into a holy temple (an inner sanctuary) a place of God’s presence by the Spirit.
A = If God has removed all valid grounds for division with
others who am I to separate myself from all God’s people? Is Jesus the
cornerstone, the meeting place, the center of my life and my family? It must be
so. He was lifted up on the cross so that all alike might look to him and live.
He must draw us all to him—from all our own private and often mutually
exclusive pursuits—and when we get there we will find that we have been so
creatively, so complementarily, and so closely fitted together that we are
inseparable. One body, one building, one Spirit yet without loss of our identity
or personality. Yet all has been transformed by his grace. May all I do this
week be focused on drawing near, building up, growing together in Christ our
P = O Lord God, may I be a part of your inner sanctuary this
week. May my prayers not just be about physical concerns or and mundane issues
but guide my prayers by your Spirit to enter into the spiritual realm to
wrestle this week with the forces behind the curtain—to participate in the
spiritual battle—as part of the fortress of God. May my heart not be divided in
what it worships, who it accepts, or what it rests upon. To him be the glory in
the Church (3:21)! Amen.
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