Sunday, October 7, 2012

Luke 17-A “A Sacrifice of Thanksgiving”

S = 17:14-16 “When he saw them he said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went they were cleansed. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; and he fell on his face at Jesus' feet, giving him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan.”

O = I am struck by Jesus’ response to their cry for mercy—“God and show yourselves to the priests”. This was required for them to re-enter society and the religious/economic life of Israel. A simple request, like that which had faced Naaman many years before. As they went they were healed. One man, realizing that he was now clean (healed) returned to praise God. To this man, offering the sacrifice of praise was more important than re-entering society…that could wait! His praising God loudly and thanking Jesus from a posture of worship is a powerful statement of the divine identity of Christ. And it was a Samaritan that got the message and responded out of a heart of gratitude. This was the faith that truly makes well, not just makes it the way it once was.

A = What is more important to me? Being clean in the eyes of others or being at the feet of Jesus? This miracle began with a confession of need and ended in loud praise and humble thanksgiving…so do I confess need and ask for God’s mercy on a daily basis? Do I follow his deliverance with loud praises and humble thanksgiving? I am but a sinful leprous Samaritan until I receive Jesus’ mercy on the road!

P =
O Lord Jesus, you are our healer and more than that…you are God, the Lord of heaven and earth. You are our Great High Priest, the Lamb of God, and the Great King. It is to you that I bow today—not to the lesser priests and influencers. It is to you that I offer the sacrifice of thanksgiving. May I have this faith always and prove to be a faithful person (v. 5). Amen.

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